Private Therapeutic Yoga

My yoga teacher boldly taught that if you can breathe, you can practice yoga.

I held this to be true for a long time, but simultaneously witnessed that many bodies in a public studio, were overcome with physical barriers and even incurring injury. It wasn’t that the person was incapable, but rather, that that yoga sequence being offered was not suitable.

Yoga is not defined by your ability to touch your toes, balance upside-down, or get on and off the floor with ease. "

If we strip yoga back to it’s foundations, yoga is the union of mind, body and breath. Asana, the physical postures of yoga, are merely one component. Historically, asana were practiced simply to facilitate or prepare for a seated meditation. Equally, your ability to sit cross-legged in stillness for an undefined time, also does not make you “good” or “bad” at yoga.

Therapeutic yoga is a specialized practice that adapts yoga techniques to address individual health concerns. Whether you're recovering from an injury, managing a chronic condition, or seeking relief from stress and anxiety, therapeutic yoga offers personalized tools to support your well-being. I use gentle movement, breathwork, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques, helping your physical and emotional well-being and helping to alleviate chronic pain.

As a physio, I’ll admit to loving the movement-based aspects of yoga and the incredible benefits of synchronising breath with movement, finding balance, building strength, and lengthening into a shape that feels so grounding you could fall asleep.

I love creatively combining movement, breath-work and meditation, applying teachings from Western, Ayuverdic and Traditional Chinese Medicine, to guide a yoga sequence that serves to fill your cup in the way that you need.

And so, perhaps the yoga that you seek is a bit more tailored; it’s “bespoke”, individualised, you-centric... Maybe you know you want to make yoga part of your lifestyle; you understand the wealth of physical and mental health benefits, but there isn’t a public class that feels accessible and safe.

If that’s you, I would be delighted to hear from you, and find a time to guide you through a private therapeutic yoga class.